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Traveling with Baby: Top 10 Essentials Every Parent Needs

woman holding baby in a carrier standing in front of the steps to a plane

Traveling with little ones can be…ummm, shall we just say challenging? Okay, CHALLENGING.

It is absolutely worth it to be able to take these little people on trips of their lifetime, but they come with many needs you don’t have to think about if you’re just traveling solo or with a partner.

Challenging, but WORTH IT. Always.

little boy playing in an airport

It’s totally NORMAL for something like planning for travel out of the country or even your first big plane ride with baby to be both exciting and daunting – because it is!

Now I am truly am alllll about less is more when it comes to traveling with littles… (my minimalist packing guide for traveling with kids HERE!)

BUT to help you prepare, I’ve compiled a list of must-have baby travel essentials that will (hopefully, fingers crossed!) make your family vacation smoother and more enjoyable.

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Clip On Burp Cloths

Okay, anyone else have a spitter upper?! (I had THREE) These are a game changer!

My least favorite part of traveling with this age was just the feeling of never knowing when you needed to have a burp cloth with you and would get doused in projectile.

These clip on burp clothes are everythinngggg!

So even if you don’t have a tiny baby, these are great! Because they can not only be used for messy feedings, but they can also just be a game changer for things like wiping up any spills, being an impromptu bib, or even as a makeshift changing pad in a pinch.

Just trust me on this one. Pack a few to ensure you’re always prepared.


If you haven’t heard of one of these, ohhhh my. Let me change your life real quick!

A SlumberPod is a portable blackout tent that fits over a travel crib or playard. It’s perfect for creating a dark, cozy sleeping environment for your baby, no matter where you are.

So when you’re all in a hotel room together after a long day of travel or exploring your new little vacation town, your little one will sleep soundly. But most importantly, so will YOU.

A non-negotiable for traveling with a little one, I am telling you!!

Inflatable Baby Bather

I don’t know if y’all know this, but babies get dirty whereverrrrr they go. And especially if you have a little one crawling or mobile, holy moly.

Bathing a baby on the go can be challenging in that pre-sitting up stage, but this inflatable baby bather is lightweight, easy to pack, and provides a safe and comfortable spot for fun bath times!

Car Seat Travel Belt

If you have more than one kid, keeping up with them (and all their stuff) in an airport or through customs is incrediblyyyy challenging.

The last thing I need is to have to have my hands tied up (or Luke’s back, ha!) with a car seat.

Dad using car seat travel belt for a car seat

This car seat travel belt turns your carry-on luggage into a car seat carrier, allowing you to roll the car seat instead of carrying it on your back. It’s SO super convenient!

There are a lot of options out there on the market, but for the average family this is the MOST cost effective option for the amount you will likely be traveling!

The EVERYTHING Mat or High Chair Mat

woman and 2 children sitting on the floor in an airport

Hear me out – airports aren’t exactly the cleanest places for your baby to play. I mean something you just have to let baby crawl it out (I GET IT) but other times, you just can’t stomach a gross floor no matter how desperate you are!

But one of my big tips for traveling with kids is letting them move about as much as possible before a flight (especiallyyyyy a longer flight).

bird's eye view of woman's feet with a baby on a mat and her bag sitting on it

My favorite hack is an everything mat!! I LOVE the Gathre mats for this.

It provides a clean surface for your babe to crawl and play on while waiting for your flight. It’s easy to clean and fold, making it a practical addition to your travel kit. And you won’t get any of the mega gross airport germs. Hooray!

Bonus points if you use it for picnics or the beach while traveling too!

See our top tips to make flying with kids a BREEZE here!

Formula Dispenser

Ummm, if you follow us on Instagram, there’s a chance you know about the time we were traveling overseas and realized in the airport that we FORGOT ALL OF JUDE’S FORMULA!

Ughhh. Still one of the most helpless feelings I’ve had and still get heart palpitations remembering that. Woof.

Traveling with formula-fed babies requires planning. A formula dispenser allows you to pre-measure and store individual portions of formula, making feedings quick and STRESS FREE. Truly anything to make traveling with a baby just a bit easier…I am GAME.

It’s so helpful to have around…just make sure you actually pack it. Oops!

Clip-On Fan for Stroller

Unless you’re traveling in the dead of winter, a stroller fan is going to be vital. When traveling with a baby, although we always try to let the kids get out and explore as much as possible…sometimes, baby is in their car seat more than normal. And that’s OKAY!

Those car seats get HOT soooo quickly though.

It provides a gentle breeze and helps regulate your baby’s temperature, ensuring they stay happy and comfy during your trip! (i.e. anything to save your sanity!)

Portable Sound Machine

Time zones and sleep schedules and routines – oh my!

baby boy laying on a blanket in an airplane seat

It can be super tough, but 100% NOT impossible! I swear by a portable sound machine for all our kiddos! (Also a little moment of silence for those tiny baby toes. My gracious!)

It can be a lifesaver when it comes to helping your baby fall asleep in unfamiliar environments too! A portable sound machine is a non-negotiable for us and will mask background noise and create a calming atmosphere, making it easier for your baby to drift off to sleep.

Anything to mimic our routines at home while away…and all the more valuable if it is small, LIGHT, and packable!

And if you are taking an overnight flight with kids and nervous about a time zone change, THIS post is a must read!

A Comfortable Baby Carrier

Being able to go hands free with a baby while traveling is a non-negotiable. Honestly, I may say this is THE most important one on the list!

Our preference when traveling with two little little ones is definitely a carrier and a travel stroller, instead of a double stroller. SO much easier!

For 0-6 months I love the Solly wrap – just so lightweight and breathable and easy to pack. Once you get the hang of the wrapping pattern, you can put it on in two seconds flat!

For 6 months+ while traveling with a baby, I prefer the Ergo Carrier. It is just a lot more sturdy as baby grows. You can carry them forward facing, on your back, it’s SO durable and just the best go-to baby carrier IMO!

Baby Headphones

Everyone has opinions and convictions about screen time, but traveling with babies, all bets are off sometimes.

If your plane has a TV for in-flight entertainment, allow me to introduce you to the cutesttttt headphones for little ones (they might ACTUALLY keep on).

woman sitting in an airplane seat holding an infant on her lap

You can find these at Amazon, but they fit around their head like ear warmers with the ear pieces inside. They can only be turned up to a certain decibel so they won’t little one’s ears and they have a ton of different animals to choose from!

Such a win for traveling with a toddler!

Travel Bottle Washer

Again, with babies come bottles and with bottles come the need to wash said bottles.

Again, traveling with kiddos is SO MUCH FUN! But you’re still doing all the parenting things in another location.

Cleaning baby bottles on the go can be tricky. But my absolute favorite travel bottle washer is designed to make this task easier, with compact brushes and drying racks that fit perfectly in a travel bag.

This makes feedings, especially mid transit like at the airport or on a road trip, SO much easier. I mean being on vacay is all about doing things easier, right? Ha!

Busy Books

In my defense, I definitely do try to keep the screen time to a minimum when they are super super little. Or if we’re on a flight that doesn’t have the TVs in the headrests, I have to have a PLAN.

Enter busy books!

little boy sitting in his mom's lap on an airplane seat playing a game on the tray table

There are so many different options with these, especially depending on your baby’s age and interests, but these are a hit and also are great for gross motor skills practice as well! This Busy Board definitely hold’s our little guy’s attention for longer than MOST things 🙂

The BEST Travel Stroller

A good lightweight travel stroller with ALL the features you need can totally change everything.

It can be the difference between complete stress or complete ease mid travel. It can be the difference between your little one taking a nap on the go or NOT taking a nap on the go.

Truly INVEST in a good travel stroller, they are worth their weight in gold.

My favorite hands down in the Zoe Traveler. It is SO lightweight at only ___ pounds. It folds up incredibly easily and fits into ALL overhead storage on planes (a must if you have connecting flights!). And it offers a recline and full shade covers for baby to take great naps on the go!

Truly the best, get $15 off your Zoe Traveler HERE!

A Lightweight Travel Car Seat

Literally look no further, there is NO better travel car seat out there. I.E. read no other more lightweight car seat out there (not to mention how CHEAP it is!)

If your child is forward facing the Way-B travel car seat is incredible. However, if they are still rear facing you need another option.

This is hands down the lightest car seat out there, making it a breeze to travel with (so lightweight we joke our middle can lift it without a sweat!). And that is saying A LOT coming from me! I am a travel minimalist!!

This is a MUST!!

Stroller Organizer

Fun fact: We have even kept a stroller around as our kids were old and independent because their legs are gonna stay tired and to try to keep the complaining to a minimum, strollers need to be your bestie!

Plus, if nothing else, you can throw your bags from shops or bags of snacks in the stroller without having to carry it all (a WIN!)

But when we were in the Doona stage, it was harder to have anywhere to put all our STUFF! To keep all your essentials within easy reach, you neeeeedddd this stroller organizer!

baby in a doona car seat with sound machine hanging off of the side in an airplane seat

This organizer alone allowed us to go hands FREE at Disneyland!!

It provides even more storage space for diapers, wipes, snacks, and other necessities, making sure you have everything you need for a successful trip with your fam!

man in a hat holding a baby in the waiting area of an airport

Of course every family’s needs will be different, but I fully believe that these things we travel with (and use time and time again) have been game changers for our family’s travels!!

I am ALL FOR anything to make our travels just a bit more life-giving with young kids, and some of these essentials truly impact the ease and enjoyment of a trip!

If you want to take more dream bucket list vacays (for SO much less!) with your own family, you should absolutely download our FREE Points 101 Guide or even book some one on one time with me so I can show you how to make dream bucket list trips your reality!!

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